Only for Customers,
If you are not totally satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you have the right to cancel your order within 14 working days from date of delivery for full credit or refund less any applicable delivery charges. The return delivery charges to our warehouse has to be made by the buyer in this case.
It is your responsibility to return any such items in a pristine saleable condition in their original box and packaging without any damage. You will be wholly responsible for the return of the goods and any associated costs of return. Goods received back Incomplete, damaged or in any condition other than saleable will be charged to your account. Prior to returning any products, please contact us within 14 days from the date of delivery. If you do not return goods within 14 days after you have informed us that you wish to cancel your order, your right to cancel will be revoked. The cancellation must be put into writing and received within the 14-days period.
Item will be refund after inspection from us in our location.
It is your responsibility to make certain that items purchased will fit through access routes into your home. In the event that you make a purchase that can not be delivered you will be liable for inbound and return shipping, insurance, customs (where applicable) plus for „in stock items“ 30% restocking fee.